
 #   Report Name   Description 
1. Lineage Societies Ancestors that have been proven with a lineage society 
2. Military Deaths Those who died while serving in the military. While not all died in battle, their lives were cut short while serving their country and we honor them all for their sacrifice. 
3. Military Service–All All Military Veterans including those who served during peace time. 
4. Military Service–Korea Served in the Korean Conflict. 
5. Military Service–Revolution Those who served in the Revolutionary War. These patriots helped form our country. 
6. Military Service–Vietnam Those who served in Vietnam 
7. Military Service–War Between the States Those who served on either side of the War Between the States. 
8. Military Service–War of 1812 Those who served in the War of 1812 
9. Military Service–World War I Those who served in World War I 
10. Military Service–World War II Those who served in World War II 
11. Multiple Births Families with two or more children born in the same month & year. 

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