Texas State Genealogical Society 2021 Genealogy/Family Website Award

Welcome to the family research of Lori Cook-Folger. Genealogy has been my passion since 1984. This website was created so family members and other researchers can see the results of this labor of love. The material has been gathered from documents, photographs, personal memories & interviews as well as items in public domain. All of our ancestors left traces of their lives in many places. Some are easy to find, others take digging in old records in obscure places. Even people who lived impoverished lives in unpopulated areas left records that show they existed in a particular place and time.

Modern thinking creates many of our “brick walls.” We must realize the time our ancestor lived in was quite different than ours now. Their laws were different, their social and moral attitudes were different, and their life priorities were different. To understand our ancestors we must understand the world they lived in.

Each of our ancestors lived through pain and heartache, love and joy, just as we do today. Genealogical facts are just names, dates, and places until they are assembled with historical data and events and become a life story.

My research notes contain more information about most of the people on this site, contact me if there is someone you are intersted in learning more about. If you find typos, or mistakes, or just want to chat about the family, please feel free to contact me. I am always happy to share and collaborate with others for the purpose of personal genealogical research but please note my copyright. I have spent many hours on the research presented on this website and designing the site itself. I am proud of the work and want to share it, thus the reason for this website. Facts are not copyrighted (i.e.: John Cook was born 24 June 1936), and may be used freely. My analysis and narratives are my personal work products and are covered by U.S. Copyright Law. If you want to use any of these, they must be properly identified as my work with a link to this site. An example would be:

Lori Cook-Folger, “[Article or Page Title],” Lori’s Genealogy Research (https://cookfolger.com : accessed [access date]).

Publishing or Commercial use is prohibited! This includes blogs and family trees on Ancestry, MyHeritage, FamilySearch, &c. If you have a project that you would like to use my work for, please ask first.

Lori Cook-Folger’s Pedigree

Bear Folger’s Pedigree